Other technologies required for Java development beside JAVA
Stack Developer: In Java, different EE types of application are developed. Theses application are basically on MVC architecture. Stack developers are those who can develop the front-end as well as the back-end. SO, the demand of Java Stack developers are increasing day-by-day. Java also has various front-end technologies like JSP, JavaFX, etc. Version control System: Two work in a team there are some version control system which is widely used inoreder to update the development and merge development done by each developer. And also to track the history and control the relase versions of the software. One such tool for version control is Git. Logging Framework: While deveop application in java, there is a need to maintain the logs. Logs are used by the Software engineers to main and track the use of the software. And also for error-checking. One such Logging framework in Java is Slf4j. Build Tool: After development is done, then come deployment. We have various build too...